HGH therapy San Angelo, TX - Vitality Balance Clinic

Overview of HGH

- Produced by the pituitary gland - Important for growth, cell regeneration, bone strength

Signs and Symptoms of HGH Deficiency

- Loss of lean muscle mass - Increase in body fat

Our services

Take charge of your health today. Call Vitality Balance Clinic.

Diagnosing HGH Deficiency

- IGF-1 test - GH stimulation test

HGH Replacement Therapy Treatment Options

- Improved dosing methods - How injections work - Administered under skin - Mimic natural pulsing of HGH release - Possible side effects - Reasons supplements don't adequately restore HGH levels

Interesting fact

While often associated with athletic doping controversies, HGH therapy has shown promise for supporting healthy aging by increasing muscle mass, reducing body fat, improving memory and mood in adults with declining growth hormone levels. When prescribed and monitored appropriately under a doctor's care, HGH can help counteract some effects of aging.

Benefits of HGH Therapy

Take control of your health with HGH therapy.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Best HGH Therapy Results

- High protein - Complex carbs - Healthy fats

Why Choose Vitality Balance Clinic for HGH Therapy?

Additional Local Resources

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